Wednesday, March 23, 2011

memperbesar dan memperpanjang mr.p

Ada anggapan bahwa pria belum menjadi seorang pria bila burungnya kecil. Selain itu, kejantanan seorang pria diukur salah satunya dari panjang dan besarnya penis (mr P atau burung). Para laki laki juga menganggap bahwa perempuan tidak menyukai laki laki yang burungnya kecil. Sayangnya tidak sedikit yang kemudian menyesal akibat kesalahan memilih metode memperbesar penis. Bukannya tambah berkicau, sang burung malah ogah bangun.

Berikut adalah 3 tips yang umum digunakan dalam memperbesar penis.

1. Stretching / Length extender

Latihan ini dimaksudkan untuk menambah panjang penis. Caranya:

  • Pegang ujung penis dengan satu tangan dan tangan lainya memegangi tangan yang memegang penis. Pada saat memegang pastikan tangan kita tidak selip, tapi juga jangan sampai terlalu keras karena dapat mencederai penis.
  • Tarik penis ke arah depan sampai terasa regangannya, tapi jangan terlalu keras. Cukup sampai terasa bahwa penis kita dipaksa meregang, tahan sampai kira kira 30 detik, kemudian lepaskan. ulangi sampai kira kira 10 kali.
  • Lepaskan penis, kemudian pukul-pukulkan penis ke paha kanan kiri sampai kira-kira 30 detik, atau sampai penis kembali rileks.
  • Ulangi langkah ke 2, tapi kali ini tarik penis ke arah atas.
  • Ulangi langkah 3.
  • Ulangi langkah 2, kali ini tarik penis ke arah kiri.
  • Ulangi langkah 3.
  • Ulangi langkah 2, kali ini tarik penis ke arah bawah.
  • Ulangi langkah 3.
  • Ulangi langkah 2, kali ini tarik penis ke arah kanan.
  • Ulangi langkah 3.

2. Jelging

Latihan ini di maksudkan untuk memperbesar ukuran penis. Teknikya adalah dengan secara terus menerus memaksa darah memenuhi penis, yang lambat laun akan menyebabkan rongga di dalam jaringan tendon membesar dan mampu menampung lebih banyak darah, yang akhirnya memperbesar ukuran penis.

Latihan ini memerlukan waktu sekitar 20 menit. Dan lebih baik dilakukan sambil duduk atau berdiri. Gunakan cairan pelicin secukupnya, misalnya baby oil atau vaseline.

3. Kegel

Kegel dikenal juga dengan sebutan BC exercise. Tekniknya adalah dengan melatih otot Bulbocavernosus (otot BC). Otot ini terletak di pangkal bawah penis dan dekat prostat, otot inilah yang secara tidak langsung memompa dan berkontraksi saat kita ejakulasi, dan dengan melatih otot inilah kejantanan kita juga dilatih.


  • eratkan otot bc berulang-ulang selama 20-30 kali kemudian istirahat beberapa saat, kemudian ulangi beberapa kali.
  • eratkan otot bc secara perlahan-lahan sampai otot bc merasa tegang dan pinggul terasa lelah kemudian lepaskan. Istirahat beberapa saat dan ulangi beberapa kali.
  • eratkan otot bc kemudian tahan selama 30 detik. setelah itu lepas dan istirahat, ulangi beberapa kali.
Mohon diingat, ini hanya teori yang ada di dunia kedokteran yang bisa Anda praktikkan atau tidak.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Crisis in Libya

yangn crisis occurred in Libya did show that the citizens of Libya menginnginkan created a new climate that adorned the country's political life, this sparked a massive demonstration, but this was met with loud by the military and government Gaddafi to a bloodbath that resulted in loss of many victim lives have been lost, it is unfortunate that their government is not respecting human rights, as a sovereign state should continue to adhere to freedom of opinion and choose but must be accountable
most countries the main cause of conflict is because a lot of depravity that occur in that country
I judge that the state is an incident that it was time to stop fighting and seek the best soulsi, without any bloodshed

world in this regard in light of publicly asked Gaddafi to resign from his position as a leader, ...
after the events in Egypt and the countries that turmoil is expected there will be no more fighting ...

United Nations (UN) agreed to impose sanctions against the Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi, following the attacks on anti-government demonstrators. The agreement is the result of voting conducted Saturday, February 26 local time.

Sanctions including an arms embargo, asset freeze, travel ban for Gaddafi and a number of people associated with it. In fact, the issue of Libya is recommended to be taken to the International Court of Justice.

"A strong message that violence and crimes against human rights will not be tolerated. Those involved will be held accountable. I hope that this message be heard and considered the regime in Libya," said UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon as quoted by CNN page.

Representative of the Libyan Ambassador to the UN, Ibrahim Dabbashi, said voting resolution would provide an injection of morale for the people who fight in Libya. He requested that military officials immediately left the Gaddafi.

The United Nations estimates the death toll reached 1,000 people since the conflict culminated in Libya, which started last week. Ban urged the UN Security Council for immediate action against the regime of Gaddafi. "In this situation, the more time is removed, the more lives lost," Ban said in the presence of 15 members of UN

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Manchester - Manchester United still have to play without defender Rio Ferdinand in the middle of crush tight schedule. The good news, veteran midfielder Ryan Giggs is ready to graze again.

Ferdinand who has been injured since the beginning of this month certainly is not better when the Red Devils visit to the cage Wigan on Saturday (26/02/2011) and the headquarters of Chelsea (1 / 3).

Apart from Ferdinand, Manchester United are also still will be without another defender, Jonny Evans. That is, manager Sir Alex Ferguson will rely on a duo Chris Smalling and Nemanja Vidic as a doorstop.

On the other hand, the good news over to United when Giggs, who missed the first game perdelapanfinal Champions League, will return to grazing. Similarly, with striker Michael Owen.

"Not much has changed from their injuries," said Ferguson as reported by the official website of MU.

"We tried for Giggs could return against Wigan and Michael Owen is back practicing and could play again," added the Scottish manager.

To Ferdinand and Evans, a pair of defender is expected to be able to play again when Manchester United come to the headquarters of Liverpool on Sunday (6 / 3).

"Rio and Jonny Evans should be back to the party opposed to Liverpool next week," said Ferguson.

MU is currently located at the top of the standings with 57 points, will try to widen the distance from Arsenal, who are one point behind. This weekend, Arsenal play in the League Cup final to face Birmingham City.